
Customer Testimonials

We respect our customers and value their opinions. Click here to submit your customer testimonial. We'd love to hear from you!

"I was looking for a glass hummingbird feeder and a friend of mine told me about your website. You had a very good selection of feeders on your site and I found the perfect feeder for my hungry hummers!” – Pamela S., Yankton, SD

"Just wanted to let you know I received my order of bulk live mealworms today and they arrived in perfect condition. I was very impressed with the quality of the worms and the service you provided me. I enjoy feeding bluebirds, so I’ll be back buying more from you in the future! Thank you.” - Clair S., Columbus OH

"I recently ordered an Aspects’ finch feeder from you online. This was the first internet order I ever placed and I was impressed with how you serviced my order and how little time it took for the feeder to arrive. Thanks for making this easy!” – Gus H., Hot Springs, AR

"The Window Alert bird collision decals arrived a few days ago and I haven’t noticed one bird striking my big picture window. Thanks for helping to save birds lives! ” – Susan M., York, PA

"My order for the large pet bed just arrived and it looks like the perfect product for "Mike” my aging Irish Setter who is suffering from arthritis. Thank you for all the help you gave me in selecting the right product for him and me!” – Gloria Y., Conifer, CO

"I received my order for the Fisher bird ornaments today and I have to tell you they are absolutely beautiful! They look much nicer than I had expected. These will make a great gift. Thank you for the wonderful service. P.S. I enjoy your site and monthly newsletters very much!” – Rebecca K., Raleigh, NC

"Thanks for making my online shopping experience a pleasant one. I just love the mailbox covers I just ordered!” – Trudy C., Franklin, TN

"My order for the Audubon binoculars arrived and I gave them to my son on his birthday. He loves them! Thanks for the great customer service!” - Dave G., Marion, IA

"I just found on the Google search engine! It’s a lovely site and you have so many wonderful products. I also like all the articles you have available. Lots of great information! Lisa S., Atwater, CA

"I have very much enjoyed the Kozy-Fill deck mounted bird bath I ordered from you. It was just what I was looking for! I will be ordering a heated bird bath from you this fall… maybe one as a gift at Christmas time. Thank you for your help! Cindy M, New Seabury, MA

"I love feeding wild birds and spending time with my pets. You have so many cool items on your site that interest me! I recently ordered a few Pet Qwerks toys for Fritz my 3 year old long-haired dachshund. We are having so much fun with them. Thank you! Joan Y., Kalamazoo, MI

"Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I have you bookmarked and I will be ordering from you in the future. It is an honor to deal with a company with integrity, that really cares about the customer." Thank you again, Mike C., Green Bay, WI 

"Received my Worm Factory Composter about 2 months or so ago and have tripled my production of Euro Nightcrawlers while making lots of rish compost for my flower garden. This is a wonderful product and I would recommend it to anyone.  My husband does quite a bit of fishing and has an unlimited supply of bait worms. Because of this he saves money on fishing bait!" -  Sheri G., Hawyard, WI

"Really fast service!  I ordered waxworms on Monday morning.  Received them Tuesday morning and they looked great!  Nice plump waxworms perfect for fishing.  I'll be ordering from you guys again. Thank you Fiddle Creek Farms!" Jesse P., Winfield, IN

"I received my order of 500 wax worms in a timely manner and they were all very healthy, and the fish (Bluegills) loved them I will be contacting Fiddle Creek Farms again when I go to Canada fishing again.  My son and I caught 700 bluegills, thanks for a great product." James H., Saint Louis, MI

"We received our worms today. Thanks, Your customer service is to be commended for their great and timely service. Again, Thanks. We will definitely be back to your site." Linda T., Genoa, CO

"Shipment arrived today and these are some of the biggest wax worms I`ve ever seen. Just want to thank you for great worms and better service." Randy, F., Mulberry, AR