
Feeding Your Bearded Dragon

There are many things you can feed your bearded dragon. They enjoy eating moths, meal worms, wax worms, and crickets and super worms. Bearded dragons also eat greens such as alfalfa plant(crushed and moistened rabbit food), kale, dandylion, collard greens and other dark green leafy greens. Never feed your dragon a firefly or bee it will kill it within a matter of minutes. Avacado,spinach and rhubarb should also be avoided because they contain oxalic acid which can be toxic to your bearded dragons.
If you’re planning on feeding crickets to your lizard make sure you don’t feed it too many at once because crickets are known to get hungry and eat the lizard’s skin. Young bearded dragons should not be fed large crickets or beetles because they can have problems with their nerves and digestion when the food is too large.

Be sure not to over feed your bearded dragons. Adults will eat more than they need and commonly become overweight.

The crickets and mealworms should be dusted with a calcium diet supplement at least 1 or 2 times a week to help prevent brittle bone disease and vitamin deficencies. Be sure to read the directions on whatever supplement you chose to avoid overdosing.

When choosing greens for your bearded dragon a darker green leafed lettuce will usually have more vitamins and nutritional value. I like to feed dandelion greens, endive, kale, collard greens also mustard greens. Avoid iceberg lettuce. Vegetables and fruits such as frozen(thawed) or cooked greenbeans or peas, finely chopped carrots, apple, cucumber, grapes, strawberries or rasberries also may be liked.

When you give it water make sure you change it at least once every two days because the water gets dirty fast and dirty water is bad for all lizards.

A good way to get food without needing to go to the pet store every day is by breeding your own food. The way to breed mealworms is by getting a small or medium sized container and putting some oatmeal or chicken feed in it, then put in some potato halves and cover it with paper towel sheets. When your done doing that put about 150 meal worms in it, wait a couple weeks and then some will turn into beetles and then the beetles will breed and lay eggs. Make sure you don’t feed all the meal worms to the lizards before they turn into beetles.  The mealworms temperature should be between 70 & 80 degrees for breeding. If you don't want beetles keep the temperature cooler when storing your mealworms.They mature slower and do not breed under 60 degrees. If the get too cold they will die.

Once you start to feed your lizard you can either feed it by hand or place the worms in a shallow dish.
You may also choose to use a mealworm breeding tray.  We prefer to keep a tray in the cage, usually a plastic container 6”x9” or 6”x6” , filled 1” deep with chicken feed. Then I keep about 30 mealworms in the container and place a rock, or something else the mealworms can hide under, in the center of the container. They also enjoy eating the beetles. The bearded dragons enjoy hunting for their food and scratching in the feed. This helps keep them entertained and active.

Clean water should always be available for your bearded dragons. You may also wish to offer them a bathing container large enough to climb into. Make sure the water is shallow enough so they can’t fall in and drown. It should be about the same temperature as their cage.